Monday, March 23, 2009

Strangers are easier to recruit!!!

Most MLM companies will tell you to create a top 50 list of your fiends and family that you should contact to recruit into your business. That may work for some people, however it never got me anywhere. The reason is, you have no credibility. Have your friends or family ever seen you go into business for yourself? Do you already have the nice car and nice house that you are telling them they can have if they join your business? Have you ever done anything similar to what you are doing and had some success with it? I am not trying to degrade what you are doing, but I want you to have 90 Recruits in 90 Days and the only way to do this is to temporarily scrap the top 50 list. You will call the top 50 list later on, but not right now.

In the next several blogs I will teach some of the techniques that are highlighted in my book "90 Recruits in 90 Days - Guaranteed!" There is a goldmine sitting at your fingertips of people that are waiting for your phone call. Imagine an umlimited source of potential recruits that perhaps could be calling you. That goldmine is the COLD MARKET. If you work the cold market right, you will soon find that people are actually calling you to join your MLM business, especially in this down economy. There is a way to do if you follow some simple steps. Stay tuned for more!

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